Sccoplanning. Sanitation. Sccoplanning

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Click the year, and then the month of the meeting for which you are looking. Documents may not be restricted by digital signatures or otherwise. CREEN . 3. Additional Study_____ g. Project Information EVCS Checklist: HousingProg[email protected]. 701 Ocean Street, Room 400. Please carefully read the List of Required Information (LORI) and ensure that ALL requiredSB9 Land Division Submittal Checklist Form PLG-193 PLG-193 | 3/16/2023 | Page 2 of 4 PROPOSED PARCEL MAP 7. The Public Counter is Open for In-Person and Phone Visits. SB9 Objective Standards Guide Form PLG-192 Page 2 Updated 2/23/23 Objective Development Standards2 Standards are based on net site area. 831-454. Short-term rental of an entire home. Sn Cru Coun ccessory welling nits y line y line Max. Project Information Permit#: APN: Project Address: Property Owner: Email: 701 Ocean Street 4th Floor, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 | (831) 454-2260 | Form Consultant Plan Review Form PLG-300 The preparer is legally responsible for signatures whether wet signed, typewritten, digital, or otherwise. S:CZU FIRE DISASTERLAC FinalFire Recovery - Rebuilding Your Home. Permits and Fees. Special Inspection List Choose options from dropdown menus Key: C → Continuous P → Periodic C/P → Continuous/Periodic N → Per Notes Notes Table 1705. OF s A NO . 831-454-2580. Extension Request for a Building Permit. Here are a few to consider. Assessor's Office. The county's General Plan, though dating from 1994, includes a number of policies that directly address solar energy. 3 – Concrete 1. 35% of desktop visits last month, and Direct is the 2nd with 19. Consultant Plan Review. To apply for a renewal permit, please use the Hosted Rental Renewal Permit Application (PLG-160). Owner-Builder Acknowledgement - PLG220. Agricultural Commissioner. Securely download your document with other editable templates, any time, with PDFfiller. A. Page 1 of 1 Rev 10/15/22 . Project Information Permit#: APN: Project Address: Property Owner: Email: and Guard Construction Form IB-900 Page 1 of 10 Rev 10/15/22 Applicability: One- and Two-Family Residences & Townhomes not exceeding 3 Stories As a public service, this information is provided as a general construction guide. 2019 Homeless Census & Survey. Page 1 of 1 Rev 10/15/22 . Through the approval of Measure J, voters set the requirement that all housing construction projects that meet the guidelines designate a certain percentage of the units as affordable to moderate income households. com) SB 743, signed into law in 2013, required the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to establish a new metric for identifying and mitigating transportation impacts for projects that are subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). com dpw. Information About Holds. A. Page 1 of 1 Rev 10/15/22 . 1 Costs Overview 13 4 FACTORING IN THE FEES: COUNTY AND SPECIAL DISTRICT FEES 17 4. Other options are available that can meet your housing needs, while reducing cost and improving affordability. 831-454-2332. For more information on Santa Cruz County. On any device & OS. Modification Worksheet. A. e. Title: PLG-300 Author: Santa Cruz County Created Date: Encroachment Permit. com is a relatively well-visited web project, safe and generally suitable for all ages. A tiny home on wheels (THOW) is a specific type of nonmotorized recreational vehicle called a park trailer as defined in California Health and Safety Code (HSC) 18009. Defensible Space FAQs. Project Information EVCS Checklist: A completed version of this checklist is required to. 2), encouraging and protecting maximum solar access siting in new development. Building Permit Application Form - PLG200. To contact the HAC, please call (831) 454-2332 or email [email protected]. What is a Modification? What is NOT a Modification? How to Apply Weighting Factors. 1. Project Information EVCS Checklist: A completed version of this checklist is required to. •H- 1C: By- right Overlay Zone (required by state law) • H- 1D: Site Consolidation Bonus • H- 1E: Rezone Opportunity Sites • H- 1F: Update Multi - family Development Standards • H- 2H: Proactive Code Enforcement for Vacation Rentals • H- 3D: Advocate for State Limits on Renter Application Fees Proposed New Programs (partial. If necessary, use more than one sheet. AB3002 Notice to Applicants for Commercial Building Permits online : AB3002 I declare under penalty of perjury that I am the Property Owner at the above Project Ad dress ; I have filled out this document; and I certify theZone district information is available via the link “Mapping & GIS”, select the “Zoning” overlay. A hosted rental is a short-term rental (less060-011-02. Amendments of General Plan / Local Coastal Program Public Safety and Noise Elements, and Amendments of County Code Geologic Hazards Ordinance, Floodplain Regulations, and Erosion Control Ordinance. To check your placement on the most up-to-date Wait List, you may view the current Wait List. In Santa Cruz County, property owners may rent part or all of their home as a short-term rental (less than 30 days) with a permit. Forms. us (831) 454-2130 DETERMINING PARCEL BUILDABILITY Additional handouts are available for. PPLICATION. US Accessory Dwelling Unit Forgivable Loan Program Updated October 2019 Hosted Rental Registration Communications Manager Jason Hoppin from County of Santa Cruz · 18 Jun 18. Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Building Permit Application Form - PLG200. aspx Design Your ADU. Project Information EVCS Checklist: County of Santa Cruz contact info: Phone number: (831) 454-2200 Website: What does County of Santa Cruz do? Founded in 1850, The County of Santa Cruz is located at the northern tip of Monterey Bay, approximately 65 miles south of San Francisco, 35 miles north of Monterey, and 35 miles southwest of Silicon Valley. The top traffic source to sccoplanning. 1. com uses Internet Information Services for server. Hosted Rental Registration Communications Manager Jason Hoppin from County of Santa Cruz · 18 Jun 18. Receptionist / Switchboard (8 AM – noon & 1 – 5 PM) Call. 17 ft. Auditor-Controller. Encroachments may include structures, facilities, and objects of any kind placed in, on, under, or over any County highway. The Sanitation section of Public Works processes and issues permits to the public and/or other agencies for the performance of work related to sewer connections. A. Agricultural Extension. Consultant Plan Review. Sccoplanning. PLG-300 . Supplemental Documents Index Form PLG-235 Page 1 of 1 Rev 04/28/23 This form is required to be the first page of the Supplemental (SUP) file The preparer is legally responsible for signatures whether a graphic, typewritten, or handwritten. Zone district setbacks are available via the link “County Code”, setbacks and other site and development standards are. A. palacios, county administrative officer Erosion control refers to specific techniques employed during construction to help protect natural resources on a project site and adjacent areas, prevent soil and sediment from leaving the site, and achieve compliance with local laws and codes. us. com uses Internet Information Services for server. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 5 1. Significant Tree Removal Application Review Form. No software installation. Matt Machado - Deputy CAO, Director of Community Development & Infrastructure. Alternate Design, Material or Construction - PLG270. The new 2023 Housing Element is currently being drafted for the 2023 - 2031 planning period. All footings shall bear on solid ground and shall be placed at least 12 inches. com/PlanningHome/ zoningDevelopment/ What’sMyZoning. CAB has a deep connection with members. Required "Findings" for Tree Removal. Draft Short-Term Action Plan. Animal Shelter. Individual units shall be separated from each other by at least 3 feet (914 mm) of spacing unless smaller separation distances are documented to be adequate based on large. 1), designing structures for solar gain (Policy 5. If you have questions about any of the Housing programs, please contact us at 831-454-2332 or HousingProgramsInfo. This appointment system is in addition. Title: PLG-250 Author: Santa Cruz County Created Date: 20191217151310Z. Repair or replacement of fixed motors, transformers or fixed approved appliances of the same type and rating in the same location. co. 1 Costs Overview 13 4 FACTORING IN THE FEES: COUNTY AND SPECIAL DISTRICT FEES 17 4. com uses Internet Information Services for server. and Guard Construction Form IB-900 Page 1 of 10 Rev 10/15/22 Applicability: One- and Two-Family Residences & Townhomes not exceeding 3 Stories As a public service, this information is provided as a general construction guide. We need your input! [email protected]. 1. and Guard Construction Form IB-900 Page 1 of 10 Rev 10/15/22 Applicability: One- and Two-Family Residences & Townhomes not exceeding 3 Stories As a public service, this information is provided as a general construction guide. The encroachment section of Public Works processes and issues permits to the public and/or other agencies for the performance of work on County roads right-of-way. Hi neighbors, Beginning today, the County is opening a 90-day window for existing hosted rental operators to register their business. Nothing contained herein shall reduce the EVCS Checklist Commercial & Public Use Form PLG-293 Page 1 of 2 Rev 06/15/23 The preparer is legally responsible for signatures whether a graphic, typewritten, or handwritten. PLG260 | 04-02-2019 | Page 1 of 1 County of Santa Cruz Planning Department 701 Ocean Street 4th Floor, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 | (831) 454-2260 |. Documents may not be restricted by digital signatures or otherwise. The purpose the LIAP program is to promote special inspections and safety modifications of existing unpermitted structures to ensure they are safe, healthy and habitable, and once. Relocation of Habitable Structures. Homeless Action Partnership (HAP) - Continuum of Care. We found that English is the preferred language on Scco Planning pages. 1 story Max. NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNFICANT IMPACT AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS Date of Notice: June 4, 2022 Responsible Entity (RE): County of Santa Cruz Address: County of Santa Cruz, Community Development & Infrastructure Dept. Title: PLG-300 Author: Santa Cruz County Created Date: Object moved to here. The 2023 Housing Element Update is underway! Every eight years, the state requires local communities to update their Housing Element to ensure the supply of adequate housing to meet community needs. Work includes utilities projects that. Documents may not be restricted by digital signatures or otherwise. com . Next Community Visioning Workshop for the Transit Corridors Plan for Sustainable Communities is on Nov. Individual units shall be separated from each other by at least 3 feet (914 mm) of spacing unless smaller separation distances are documented to be adequate based on large-scale fire testing complying with Section 1207. Appeals for Building Permit Applications. docx 7/20/2017 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ BROCHURES PLANNING DEPARTMENT 701 OCEAN STREET, 4TH FLOOR SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060 ZONING INFORMATION: planning. State law mandates that the Housing Element include a statement of the community’s goals, objectives, policies, and programs to maintain, improve, and develop housing as well as an assessment. SSCP's mission is to create a strategic partnership between our campus and. 92% of traffic. us. Form . PLG-300 . Leave a voicemail. Santa Cruz County Planning Department [email protected] dpw. The sheet size must be no smaller than eighteen (18) by twenty-four (24) inches and no larger than twenty-four (24) by thirty-six (36) inches. Once verified, you will be redirected to the Online Services page. 5. 01/21/15. Form . Leave a voicemail. (831) 454‐2580 PRE‐APPLICATION SERVICES lem solving and the avoidance of delays. Minimize the Cost of Your ADU. Senate Bill 9 ( SB9) allows the development of two housing units and/or a lot split on eligible single -family zoned properties. us. A. PLG-300 . Documents may not be restricted by digital signatures or otherwise. 7/5/23 Introduction The following types of projects are provided to help the Applicant determine whether their project will requireThe existing Housing Element cycle is coming to a close and a new 2023 Housing Element is currently being drafted for the 2023 - 2031 planning period. Documents may not be restricted by digital signatures or otherwise. A. Please see Income Table and the Affordable Housing Guidelines. RE-S. sccoplanning. Starting September 13th, the Department's Zoning, Building, and Environmental Planning counters are available for in-person or telephone appointments, which can be scheduled Monday through Thursday from 8:00 to 11:30 AM. Work includes utilities projects that. 701 Ocean Street 4th Floor, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 | (831) 454-2260 | Form Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarm Affidavit PLG-260 The preparer is legally responsible for signatures whether wet signed, typewritten, digital, or otherwise. Sccoplanning. us 9. 2 . Over the Counter (OTC) and Express Plan Check. A new-build, detached "back yard cottage" is the most expensive type of ADU construction. us Sustainable CommunitiesRental Permit & Renewal Application Form Form PLG-150 Page 1 of 6 Rev 1/12/23 This application is for submittal of a new vacation rental permit OR for the renewal of an existing vacation rental permit. Owner-Agent Authorization; Form ; PLG-210 ; Page 1 of 1 Rev 10/15/22 ; Title: PLG-210 Author: Santa Cruz County Created Date: 11/18/2020 1:51:18 PM. com is a relatively well-visited web project, safe and generally suitable for all ages. (831) 454‐2580 PRE‐APPLICATION SERVICES lem solving and the avoidance of delays. 2015 Homeless Census & Survey. Documents may not be restricted by digital signatures or otherwise. A. co. * Indicates required field. Project Information Permit#: AB3002 Notice to Applicants for Commercial Building Permits: AB3002 com/PlanningHome/ zoningDevelopment/ What’sMyZoning. , Attn: Tracy Cunningham, Housing Specialist, 701 Ocean Street,. [1] Consider how the construction site affects the land surrounding the home, both during and after. Located on the south side of Sims Road, 300 feet east of Graham Hill Road. Individual units shall be separated from each other by at least 3 feet (914 mm) of spacing unless smaller separation distances are documented to be adequate based on large-scale fire testing complying with Section 1207. CLICK HERE to find your parcel number information. sccoplanning. We found that English is the preferred language on Scco Planning pages. Nothing contained herein shall reduce the @SCCOPlanning · Oct 18, 2012. 2 How to Use this Guide 6 2 MAKING A CHOICE: THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF ADUS 7 3 COSTS PART 1: BUILDING AN ADU 13 3. Below is a collapsible outline containing dates of meetings. Santa Cruz County Planning Department' APPLICATION STATUS AND PERMIT HISTORY Enter Parcel Number [without dashes (-)] OR Permit Number [do not remove dashes (-)] SearchCurrent California Codes. The Santa Cruz County Code is current through Ordinance 5431, passed January 31, 2023.